The Reason Dodo Birds Went Extinct Is More Depressing Than You Thought
One of the most infamous cautionary tales of humanity's follies, the reasons behind the extinction of the dodo are even more depressing than you may realize.
Read MoreOne of the most infamous cautionary tales of humanity's follies, the reasons behind the extinction of the dodo are even more depressing than you may realize.
Read MoreThe Sun's activity typically peaks at solar maximum, but there's an even more dangerous stage it could enter, and with potentially dire consequences.
Read MoreIf you're caught in a thunderstorm while driving and worried about a lightning strike, your car can keep you safe, and for reasons that may surprise you.
Read MoreA number of amazing creatures have fooled us into thinking they went extinct either millions of years ago or in modern times, only to be rediscovered.
Read MoreThe world used to have far more than the current three species of elephants, and researchers have theories why these seven prehistoric species went extinct.
Read MoreLife is tenacious and the universe is vast, so some are confident that extraterrestrial life is hiding out there. These worlds are the top contenders.
Read MoreEvolution has produced a steady stream of now-extinct terrifying creatures, but if they were around today, some could destroy the Earth as we know it.
Read MoreThe United States is filled with animals that attack people, and you might think Florida is the state with the most animal attacks. But, you'd be wrong.
Read MoreIt turns out bees are responsible for a lot more than just making honey. In fact, if bees were to disappear, it could lead to some catastrophic outcomes.
Read MoreCrocodiles are hardy creatures, yet even these tenacious reptiles surprised researchers after a group was found in a dark cave with a unique color scheme.
Read MoreTotal eclipses are one of the most majestic natural phenomena you can witness, but thanks to a quirk of celestial mechanics, they won't be around forever.
Read MoreIt may seem like humans are supreme among all of Earth's creatures, but some other species are quite capable of dominating the planet if we were to go extinct.
Read MoreDeep under the Chihuahuan Desert is a natural wonder, a cave filled with beautiful giant crystals, but is also a potential death trap.
Read MoreMany have wished for those pesky flies to just disappear, but the truth of what their extinction would do to Earth's ecosystem is more complex than you think.
Read MoreThere are plenty of scary creatures on Earth (and especially in the ocean), but one of the most powerful might come as a surprise. After all, it's pretty tiny.
Read MoreEarth is packed full of precious materials, oftentimes concentrated into specific deposits. Here are some of the largest of those known deposits.
Read MoreInvasive species can be quite dangerous, putting entire ecosystems at risk with just their simple presence. But sometimes, researchers are able to fight back.
Read MoreWhile the T-Rex is famous for its fearsome stature, recent research has shown that it wasn't actually the largest dinosaur. Nowhere near it, in fact.
Read MoreThe destruction wrought on Japan by the atomic bomb in 1945 can't be understated. Yet, these trees somehow survived to become symbols of peace and hope.
Read MoreCaves are pretty fascinating places, and larger caves might be even more interesting. In any case, this huge cave system has quite a bit going for it.
Read MoreDinosaurs are really big parts of the popular imagination, and that's especially true of the T-Rex. But what would the world be like if they were still around?
Read MoreUsually, when a creature is considered extinct, it's thought to be gone forever. But that's not true of this species, which has defied the odds at every turn.
Read MoreMany people are scared of spiders, and that's for understandable reasons. After all, no one would want to come upon this huge spider in their home.
Read MoreWhile volcanoes can be frightening, supervolcanoes are even scarier. These five supervolcanoes are proof of that, having drastically altered Earth in the past.
Read MoreEveryone is familiar with the skylines of massive cities, but in the future, those sights are iable to change. Instead of buildings, there might only be water.
Read MoreCalifornia is a beautiful state with no shortage of diverse plant and animal species. Unfortunately, the fates facing those species aren't always the brightest.
Read MoreThere are many species with pretty scary defensive (and offensive) tactics, such as venom. These species in particular can be pretty intimidating on that front.
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