How Do I Calculate the Percent of a Goal?

How Do I Calculate the Percent of a Goal
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No matter what goal you want to achieve, you can measure your progress as a percentage of the goal. For example, if you have a sales goal for the month, you could measure your sales thus far as a percentage of the sales goal. Similarly, if you have a goal for running a certain number of miles per week or raising a certain amount of money, you can also measure your progress as a percentage. Using a percentage helps to put your progress in perspective. For example, if your goal is running 10 miles a week, eight miles means you're almost there. If your goal is 80 miles a week, however, eight miles is just getting started.

    Identify your goal or target. For example, if you want to run 30 miles in a week, 30 miles would be your goal. Alternatively, if you want to raise $1,000, $1,000 would be your goal.

    Measure your progress toward your goal. For example, if you ran 5 miles the first day and then 4 miles the next day, you would have 9 miles toward your goal. Alternatively, if you got a $200 donation from one donor and a $240 donation from another, you would have $440 raised toward your goal.

    Divide your progress toward your goal by your goal. In the first example, divide 9 by 30 get 0.3. In the second example, divide $440 by $1,000 to get 0.44.

    Multiply the result by 100 to convert to a percent. Finishing the first example, multiply 0.3 by 100 to get 30 percent. Completing the second example, multiply 0.44 by 100 to get 44 percent.

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