How to Calculate Range Spread

Use range spread as a basic tool when you work in statistical analysis.
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Range spread is a basic statistical calculation that goes along with mean, median, mode and range. The range is the difference between the highest and lowest scores in a data set and is the simplest measure of spread. So, we calculate range as the maximum value minus the minimum value. The range spread then uses the range to find a percentage that the maximum is greater than the minimum, using the minimum as a base. Basically, this simply shows in percentage form how much higher the maximum is from the minimum.

    Find the maximum and minimum numbers in the data set. For example, a data set has 500,000 as the maximum and 350,000 as the minimum.

    Subtract the minimum from the maximum. This is the range. In the example, 500,000 minus 350,000 equals 150,000.

    Divide the range by the minimum to find the range spread. In the example, 150,000 divided by 350,000 equals 0.4285 or 42.85 percent.

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