Chemistry Topics for College Course Presentations

Chemistry Topics for College Course Presentations
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While chemistry may initially seem like a dry subject, upon further exploration, students may find an assortment of interesting sub-topics buried within this discipline. By creating college presentations on these high-interest chemistry topics, students can highlight the most exciting parts of this subject and encourage others to engage in an exploration of chemistry.

Carbon Dating

Through the process of carbon dating, scientists can determine the approximate age of found objects, allowing them to look into the past and imagine how life may have been centuries ago. Discuss this chemistry process in your presentation, explaining the basics of how carbon dating works and exploring specific objects that scientists have placed on the historical timeline through the completion of this process. Explain the importance of chemistry processes such as these in gathering otherwise inaccessible historical information.

People on the Periodic Table

While some elements on the periodic table do not contain a person-inspired name, many are named after their discoverers or others who have made a mark on the field of chemistry. Explore the individuals who have been immortalized on the periodic table in your presentation. Discuss why these individuals were honored and how they are related to the discovery of the elements named for them.

Environmental Impact of pH Balance

While pH balance may seem unimportant, maintaining proper pH within the environment is vital for plant and animal health. Discuss the impact that water and soil pH has upon organisms that live in or grow on these Earth surfaces. Explain what processes can have a negative impact on pH balance stability and lead to environmental destruction. Provide some basic information on how citizens can work to ensure that the pH balance of their surroundings is not disturbed and that the plants and animals that live in and around their geographic area are not affected by chemical imbalances.

Chemistry of Warfare

Warfare was once all about hand-to-hand combat or basic weapons; however, as the science of creating chemical-based weapons has continued to develop, more reliance is placed on these chemistry-based war tools. Explore weapons that depend on chemical reactions or rely heavily on the presence of chemicals. Explain how these weapons are preferable to traditional weapons and how the increased use of weapons of this type has changed the face of war-time practices.

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