How to Figure a GPA From Two Schools

How to Figure a GPA From Two Schools
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One of the easiest ways to determine your grade point average from two schools is to add all the grades together and then divide by total number of grades. For example, if you had four grades from two schools, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 3.1, add them together and divide by four to achieve a GPA of 3.4. When you apply to college or graduate school, the schools you apply to may want to know your cumulative GPA from both schools. But the last school you attended may not include the grades from your first school in calculating your GPA, so you may have to calculate it by hand.

    Multiply your GPA from the first school by the number of credit hours earned at that school to find the number of grade points you earned. For example, if you have a 3.45 GPA over 55 credits, multiply 3.45 by 55 to find you earned 189.75 grade points at the first school.

    Multiply your GPA from the second school by the number of credit hours earned to find the number of grade points earned at the second school. For example, if you had a 3.75 GPA over 80 credits, multiply 3.75 by 80 to get 300 grade points earned.

    Add the number of grade points earned from both schools. In this example, add 189.75 to 300 to get 489.75.

    Add the number credit hours earned at both schools. In this example, add 55 to 80 to get 135.

    Divide the total number of grade points earned by the number of credits taken to find the GPA. In this example, divide 489.75 by 135 to find your GPA equals 3.63.

    Convert all letter grades for courses to numbers. Most schools equate A with a 4.0, B with a 3.0, C with a 2.0 and D with a 1.0. After converting, add the numerical values together and divide by the total number of grades to arrive at your GPA.

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