What Foods Make Electricity?

Lemons are a good source of electricity.
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Some fruits and vegetables can conduct electricity, often providing a current strong enough to act as a battery. Foods that produce electricity are usually high in acidity or potassium. Experimenting with foods that make electricity can be educational for children.

Citrus Fruit

Citrus Fruit
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The acidity of citrus fruit juice acts as an electrolyte that conducts electricity. Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, limes and lemons have high acidity levels. One lemon can produce 7/10 of one volt of electricity. Electrical power increases as you connect more fruits.


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According to the website MadSci.org, one raw potato has 407 milligrams of potassium, which acts as a conduit for electrical power. Potatoes may also have a higher number of ions that can produce electricity. Other vegetables that conduct electricity due to their potassium and ionic content are tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes and cucumbers.

Pickled Foods

Pickled Foods
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Foods soaked in brine or otherwise pickled, such as pickles, conduct electricity due to their salt content. Salt is high in ions and conducts electricity. Foods high in salt content will produce electricity.

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