How to: Improper Fractions Into Proper Fractions

Proper fractions represent parts of a whole.
••• isolated circles graph made from fraction circles image by davidcrehner from

You already know that proper fractions have numerators smaller than the denominators, such as 1/2, 2/10 or 3/4, making them equal less than 1. The improper fraction has a numerator larger than the denominator. And mixed numbers have a whole number sitting next to a proper fraction -- for example, 4 3/6 or 1 1/2. As you work on converting improper fractions, you’ll find yourself using your knowledge of division.

    Write down the improper fraction -- for example, 27/6. The fraction bar means you need to divide 27 by 6.

    Divide 27 by 6. The answer is 4, with a remainder of 3. Use the answer as the whole number part of the mixed number, and place the remainder over the original denominator: 4 3/6.

    Reduce the fraction, if necessary. For example, 3/6 equals 1/2 (the lowest common denominator of 3 and 6 is 3, so divide both the numerator and the denominator by 3 to reduce the fraction to 1/2).

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