Aloe Vera Science Experiments

Science experiements can determine aloe vera's properties.
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Aloe Barbadensis is the scientific name for aloe vera, a plant with a reputation for unique medicinal properties. This unique trait makes it a useful plant on which to perform science experiments. This plant is easy to locate and inexpensive, which lends it to experimental use. You can test aloe vera plants, pure aloe and aloe-containing products, with the results compared to each other. Aloe has purported effects on the skin and digestive system, as well as cosmetic uses.

Effect of Aloe on Bacteria Growth

Perform an experiment to determine whether aloe vera inhibits bacterial growth. Spread bacteria on two soy agar petri dishes. Apply aloe vera to one of the petri dishes. Make a hypothesis regarding the growth of the bacteria. Incubate the petri dishes for one or two days. Observe the results and record them.

Effect of Aloe on Hair Growth

Perform an experiment to determine whether aloe vera enhances hair growth. For this experiment, shave all hair off two areas of the skin. Record the observations and make a hypothesis regarding the outcome. Apply aloe vera several times each day to one of the shaved areas for a period of time sufficient to allow for hair growth to resume. Compare the hair growth of the area where aloe was applied to the area where aloe was not applied. Record the results.

Effect of Music on Aloe Vera Plants

Determine the effect of music on the growth of plants. For this experiment, get at least three different aloe vera plants. Put one plant in a room where the plant is exposed to rock or rap music. Put another plant in a room where the plant is exposed to classical music. Place the third plant in a room where the plant is not exposed to any music. Make a hypothesis regarding the outcome. Compare the growth of the three plants after one or two weeks. Record the results of the experiment.

Effect of Different Soil Types on Aloe Vera

Perform an experiment to test whether an aloe vera plant grows better in potting soil or in sand. This experiment requires two aloe vera plants. Put one of the plants in a pot with sand and put the other plant into a pot that contains potting soil. Make a hypothesis regarding the outcome. After two weeks, observe the plants and note any differences in the growth of the plants. Record the results.

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