It takes only an elementary understanding of fractions to understand that 3/4 is larger than 1/10 or 1/4 is less than 1/2, but arranging fractions in order of size is a little more difficult when the fractions include larger and less common numbers. Regardless of whether you are arranging fractions from largest to smallest or smallest to largest, a little bit of simple division can help you understand how to order them.
Write down each of the fractions on a sheet of paper. For this example, assume the fractions you want to order are 12/17, 7/9, 4/13, 1/2 and 5/8.
Enter "12" then "÷", then "17" and press "=" on your calculator. The answer is .705. Record the answer on the paper next to "12/17."
Repeat the process in Step 2 with each of the fractions. For this example, the decimal amounts next to each fraction will be ".705" for "12/17," ".778" for "7/9," ".307" for "4/13," ".5" for "1/2" and ".625" for "5/8."
Consider the decimals you have written next to each fraction, then write the fractions in order from largest to smallest. The order for this example would be: 7/9, 12/17, 5/8, 1/2 and 4/13.