Two Bizarre Bubbles Sandwich The Milky Way Galaxy. Here's What They Could Be
Space is a big place and there's lots of strange stuff out there, but scientists aren't quite sure where these massive space bubbles came from.
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Space is a big place and there's lots of strange stuff out there, but scientists aren't quite sure where these massive space bubbles came from.
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Read MoreWhile volcanoes can be frightening, supervolcanoes are even scarier. These five supervolcanoes are proof of that, having drastically altered Earth in the past.
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Read MoreAI has become a pretty hot topic, and it's one that comes with plenty of ethical questions. The topic of schooling has even been affected, and here's how.
Read MoreVolcanoes can be morbidly fascinating for plenty of reasons, as can the lava they release. But what effect might all that molten rock have on the human body?
Read MoreFor all that's known about meteorites, there's relatively little footage of them hitting Earth. Which makes this particular recording something quite special.
Read MoreSymbiotic relationships between species are both common and incredible, including those between ants and these four insects, as well as one honorable mention.
Read MoreEffective solutions to the vast amounts of plastic waste we produce are still being sought, and four innocuous insects that can eat plastic might play a part.
Read MoreThanks to its hardy nature, buckthorn can rapidly invade environments, but researchers think that Minnesota's native plants could be the secret to fighting it.
Read MoreIt's perfectly understandable if you're not a fan of finding spiders in your home, but there's a good reason why you might want to reconsider that stance.
Read MoreIn 1998, Tennessee decided to award a tiny marine creature, which lived in warm, ancient seas millions of years ago, the title of official state fossil.
Read MoreGiant ground-based reflector telescopes do much of astronomy's heavy lifting, although the U.S.'s largest in Hawaii is not run by who you might think.
Read MoreHawaii is famous for its volcanoes, drawing visitors from all over the globe to witness their majesty, and one Hawaiian volcano has been erupting since 1983.
Read MoreEveryone knows something about getting a little tipsy off a drink or two. Many animals even feel a buzz from fermented fruits, but this animal can't relate.
Read MoreMemory has long been thought of as a function of just the brain, but recent research has indicated that the brain might not actually be unique in that regard.
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