FPM is an acronym that stands for Feet Per Minute. It is a measurement used to determine the speed at which different things travel. Being able to calculate feet per minute can come in handy when you need to compare the speeds of multiple objects. It can also help you make more informed decisions regarding which speeds are ideal for your project, be it anything from performing a high school science experiment to developing a new form of transportation.
- Stop watch
- Tape measure
Set the timer on your stop watch to 0.
Prepare the object you want to measure. Decide on a starting point from which the object will begin its motion and mark this spot.
Set the object you want to measure in motion. Start the stop watch as soon as the object begins moving.
Allow the object to travel for one full minute. Mark the spot where the object ends up after one minute.
Measure the distance between the object's starting point and ending point. The measurement should be taken in feet. The resulting number will be the FPM of your object.
Things You'll Need
About the Author
Soren Bagley recently graduated from the University of Toledo with a B.A. in English Literature. He has been a professional writer for two years and his work has appeared on a wide variety of internet web sites, including Associated Content.com and Ehow.com.
Photo Credits
steel ruler image by dwags from Fotolia.com