How to Calculate Phase Angles

How to Calculate Phase Angles
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Calculating phase angles is an important skill to hone if you are planning on working with complex mathematical calculations or if you plan on pursuing a degree within one of the sciences (i.e., chemistry, physics or biology). Phase angles are calculated to determine the value (in degrees) of particular sound waves that travel throughout the air. While calculating these angles may sound difficult, it is actually quite simple with the proper instructions.

    Determine the frequency of the sound wave in question. If you are solving a mathematical or scientific problem, the frequency should be given to you in hertz, or Hz. The frequency refers to the number of times the wave will pass through a given place in a finite time period.

    Determine the time delay for the wave you are studying. If solving a mathematical or scientific problem, the time delay should be given to you in milliseconds (ms). The time delay of a wave refers to the repeating of an occurrence, point "t", at another finite point in time in the future.

    Multiply 360 (to represent the total number of degrees possible in an angle) by the frequency of your wave. Multiply the number that you receive after multiplying the first two variables by the time delay that was given above. When all of these numbers are multiplied together, you will find the phase angle of the wave in degrees.

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