How Can I Make a Watch Tower for a School Project?

A watchtower has a high vantage point to watch for possible problems.
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A watchtower is a fortress used as a high, safe place for sentinels to watch the surrounding area. The watchtower is normally a freestanding building with a landing high off the ground. The landing is where sentinels keep an eye on their prisoners, watch for intruders or forest fires. Watchtowers are either round or square. Hidden steps or removable ladders are used to reach the landing. A model watchtower can be made from craft sticks.

    Make a square frame shape from four craft sticks. Place two craft sticks parallel to one another on a horizontal plain, making sure to match the edges. Put a drop of glue on each of the four corners. Slide the craft sticks apart 4 1/2 inches. Turn two craft sticks so they are on the vertical plain. Glue a vertical craft stick to the left end of the horizontal pair. Glue a vertical craft stick to the right end of the horizontal pair. Make sure to match the overlapped edges to create a square.

    Place a drop of glue on the four ends of the vertical craft sticks. Position and place a horizontal craft stick on the top two drops of glue. Position and place a horizontal craft stick on the bottom two drops of glue. Make sure to match the overlapped edges to create a square. Repeat this process alternating vertical and horizontal craft sticks until the craft sticks are six to eight inches tall. This is the base for the watchtower.

    Repeat Step 1 to build a square frame. Squeeze a line of glue along the horizontal craft sticks. Place vertical craft sticks next to one another to form a floor. Allow the floor to dry 15 minutes. Repeat this process one more time to create a roof. Allow the roof to dry 15 minutes.

    Squeeze a line of glue along the two top craft sticks on the base. Flip the floor over so the original two horizontal sticks are on top. Turn the floor so the rounded ends of the craft sticks are positioned over the glue line. Set the floor into place.

    Squeeze a drop of glue on the four corners of the floor. Repeat Steps 2 to create a wall 2 1/2 inches tall.

    Place eight craft sticks on the table. Squeeze a line of glue approximately 2 inches long on one end of each craft stick. These will be the posts to hold up the roof.

    Hold the craft stick perpendicular to the watchtower walls. Put the stick on the inside of the walled in area. Turn the glue toward the wall. Position the glued craft stick on one wall so the edge of the stick is flush with the corner of the watchtower room area. Hold the stick in place for 60 seconds. Repeat the process with the remaining seven craft sticks. A corner post is created in all four corners. Note: Place a wadded ball of newspaper inside the walled in area to hold the craft sticks in place during the drying process. Remove the newspaper before attaching the roof.

    Flip the roof over so the flat side of the roof is down. Repeat Step 2 and create a small wall around the roof 1/2 inch tall. Allow the glue to dry 15 minutes.

    Squeeze a line of glue 1/2 inch long on the outside of the eight craft sticks that make the corner posts. Flip the roof over so the small wall section is on the bottom. Position the roof over the corner posts. The corner posts will sit to the inside of the small wall. Push the corner posts toward the roof's small wall so the corner posts and small wall come into contact. Insert a newspaper between the posts to hold them in place while the glue dries. Allow the glue to dry 15 minutes then remove the newspaper.

    Draw small windows using 1/4 to 3/8-inch rectangles on the outside wall of the base with a permanent marker.

    Things You'll Need

    • Craft Sticks
    • White glue
    • Black permanent marker
    • Newspaper

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