The Rare Celestial Event That Will Eventually Disappear For Earth
Total eclipses are one of the most majestic natural phenomena you can witness, but thanks to a quirk of celestial mechanics, they won't be around forever.
Read MoreTotal eclipses are one of the most majestic natural phenomena you can witness, but thanks to a quirk of celestial mechanics, they won't be around forever.
Read MoreOn a dark and clear night, the sky can seem filled with stars, some shining brighter than others. But a few of those bright objects aren't actually stars.
Read MoreStrange metallic rocks have been falling from the sky for millennia, and sometimes those rocks are turned into surprising items.
Read MoreLife in space is very different from life on Earth; that much is pretty obvious. But what does the regular routine of an astronaut actually look like?
Read MoreThe Curiosity rover has been carrying out its mission on Mars for many years, and it's made some pretty cool discoveries. Here are a few of them.
Read MoreExoplanets present quite a few mysteries (and potential answers to long-standing questions) for astronomers. And that's especially true of young exoplanets.
Read MoreThe moon is Earth's longtime, familiar companion, the story of when and how it got there is actually a bit of an unanswered question in astronomy.
Read MoreThe fact that you can't breathe on the moon probably isn't surprising. That said, the moon does have an atmosphere; it's just very different than Earth's.
Read MoreThe fall of the Soviet Union was a hugely consequential event in history, but it also had some strange side effects that might not be as well known.
Read MoreEarly 2025 has already played host to some spectacular astronomical events, and there are more to come. In March, look to the moon to watch it change color.
Read MoreEarth's oceans are mysterious, largely unexplored places, but the enormous oceans of Neptune and Uranus have them beat. Here's what scientists know about them.
Read MoreWhile our solar system is a fascinating place on its own, exoplanets are even more of a mystery. And one exoplanet in particular is something quite new.
Read MoreIt's long seemed like Stonehenge harbors many secrets, and it's not keen on giving them up. But a rare lunar event might finally give us some answers.
Read MoreEveryone knows that Earth is capable of providing beautiful, snowy landscapes, but it isn't unique in that. It snows on Mars, too, but there's a bit of a twist.
Read MoreWhen you take a look deep into the night sky, Venus might look like it's noticeably yellow. Here's the science behind why it appears that way.
Read MoreSpace is home to a great many oddities, and even chemistry gets strange out there. In fact, there are even some molecules that you'd never find here on Earth.
Read MoreResearchers have been looking for life on Mars for a long time, and they might have found it on one occasion, only to destroy it at the same time.
Read MoreWhile space harbors plenty of mysteries, it turns out that Uranus' smell isn't one of them. Here's the explanation for why it's so uniquely stinky.
Read MoreThe dramatic finale of "Goldeneye" saw James Bond fighting over a giant radio dish, and in 2020 that real-life 305-meter telescope collapsed after 57 years.
Read MoreFor all that's known about meteorites, there's relatively little footage of them hitting Earth. Which makes this particular recording something quite special.
Read MoreSpace is already filled with plenty of mysteries, and black holes may be among the strangest. Here are some of the questions scientists still have about them.
Read MoreBlack holes are as dangerous as they are distant, so scientists set out to simulate one in a lab. What happened next would make Steven Hawking smile.
Read MoreIn 2029, one of the solar system's many asteroids will pass Earth close enough to see with the naked eye. But asteroid Apophis won't travel the same path again.
Read MoreThe northern and southern lights, auroras visible from the poles, glow with a range of different colored lights. Here's the reason for each of those colors.
Read MoreThe idea of cosmic threats to Earth almost sounds like the stuff of fiction. But while alien invasions may be far fetched, these threats are perfectly real.
Read MoreThere are quite a few astronomical events that have captivated humanity, and in February 2025, there's an especially rare one that you'll want to see.
Read MoreBlack holes have long occupied our imaginations, and our current scientific understanding allows us to predict the disturbing fate of anyone who might fall in.
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