The Eye Condition Kids Can Get From Staring At Screens
You don't need to look hard to find concerns over kids staring at screens constantly, but those screens might even directly affect eye development, too.
Read MoreYou don't need to look hard to find concerns over kids staring at screens constantly, but those screens might even directly affect eye development, too.
Read MoreThere are quite a few narratives historians have written about the victims of Pompeii, but some recent DNA analysis has managed to challenge those stories.
Read MoreOctopuses are pretty weird animals that are constantly surprising us. They have a strange number of hearts, but they have an even weirder number of brains.
Read MoreIt's never a surprise to hear someone complaining about humidity, but is there a reason it's so much worse than dry heat? Here's the science behind that.
Read MoreInvasive species have the ability to damage ecosystems, and that's especially true in California, where these five species threaten the state's biodiversity.
Read MoreIf you've ever looked for health supplements, you've probably heard of peptides. Research on is still ongoing, but here are some of the most promising ones.
Read MoreBoth space exploration and stem cells have been at the center of major research projects, and combining the two has led to a fascinating discovery.
Read MoreWhen it comes to quickly burning calories, should you be working out in hot or cold weather? It seems like a straightforward question, but in reality, it's not.
Read MorePlenty of people are invested in finding ways to live longer, but there are plenty of familiar habits that work against that goal. Here are a few of them.
Read MoreWhile there are some animals known for being especially hardy, they all have their limits. But this creature's limits have rendered it nearly indestructible.
Read MoreWhen it comes to invasive species, you'd likely picture malevolent bugs or plants. But this invasive species that's been terrorizing Texas might be a surprise.
Read MoreTropical rainforests are hotspots for biodiversity and the home to tons of different species. But climate change might prove to be a huge threat to that.
Read MoreThe brain is an incredibly complex organ, but its billions of neurons have recently been mapped, opening up some fascinating research opportunities.
Read MoreThe definition of intelligence is tricky to nail down, but researchers have found something interesting: a correlation between intellect and specific traits.
Read MoreEveryone is familiar with gut feelings, the mysterious sensation of intrinsically knowing something. But gut feelings aren't as mysterious as they might seem.
Read MoreWhen it comes to the Tasmanian tiger, human influence can be blamed for its extinction. But science might have a way to someday reverse that fate.
Read MoreMars has long been a prime target when it comes to human exploration, and the secrets concealed by Martian ice just make the planet even more fascinating.
Read MoreBeneath the serene waves of lakes, river, and seas, lurk some fish with terrifyingly sharp teeth. Here are a few different species of those fanged monsters.
Read MoreAlligators can get really big, but these inhabitants of the Americas come second to their crocodile cousins, and their prehistoric ancestors were bigger still.
Read MoreHaving enough blood is crucial for survival, but how many gallons do our bodies contain? And more importantly, how much blood can we lose without dying?
Read MoreFish need oxygen just as much as we do, yet thrive underwater. But fish can still suffocate when submerged, but does this also mean they can drown?
Read MoreThe warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico are home to countless living organisms. Here are some spectacular sea species that you may not know exist in the Gulf.
Read MoreHumans live long lives for land mammals, but tortoises can outdo us by decades. Yet some other animals, such as sponges and jellyfish, can live far, far longer.
Read MoreIf you have ever wondered what it really means to have a Machiavellian personality or how to spot one, researchers have pinned down a few telltale signs.
Read MoreIn the dark, strange depths of the Pacific Ocean, scientists have found life in yet another surprising place, thriving in the crust around hydrothermal vents.
Read MoreThe brain governs much of what the body does, including the process of eating. Researchers have discovered this process occurs within our brains in four stages.
Read MoreOxygen production on Earth has long been attributed to sunlight-driven photosynthesis. But in the dark ocean depths lies a potential source of "dark oxygen."
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