When Did Earth Get Its Moon
The moon is Earth's longtime, familiar companion, the story of when and how it got there is actually a bit of an unanswered question in astronomy.
Read MoreThe moon is Earth's longtime, familiar companion, the story of when and how it got there is actually a bit of an unanswered question in astronomy.
Read MoreThe fact that you can't breathe on the moon probably isn't surprising. That said, the moon does have an atmosphere; it's just very different than Earth's.
Read MoreThe fall of the Soviet Union was a hugely consequential event in history, but it also had some strange side effects that might not be as well known.
Read MoreThe case of Jack the Ripper is one of the most infamous unsolved murder cases in history, and DNA analysis might have revealed a suspect. But there's a catch.
Read MoreChernobyl is an infamous disaster that's also become something of a cautionary tale. But as it turns out, there's a chance it could have been avoided.
Read MorePsychology can be a pretty complicated thing, and that's doubly true of alexithymia, a condition that those who have it might find it difficult to describe.
Read MoreUsually, when a creature is considered extinct, it's thought to be gone forever. But that's not true of this species, which has defied the odds at every turn.
Read MoreMany people are scared of spiders, and that's for understandable reasons. After all, no one would want to come upon this huge spider in their home.
Read MoreMost everyone is interested in the latest tips when it comes to their health, and on that front, the ability to stand on one leg might mean more than you think.
Read MoreWhile volcanoes can be frightening, supervolcanoes are even scarier. These five supervolcanoes are proof of that, having drastically altered Earth in the past.
Read MoreEarly 2025 has already played host to some spectacular astronomical events, and there are more to come. In March, look to the moon to watch it change color.
Read MoreEveryone is familiar with the skylines of massive cities, but in the future, those sights are iable to change. Instead of buildings, there might only be water.
Read MoreThere are many different types of ancient weapons, and those similar to the ones found in a simple lake bed tell quite the interesting tale about humanity.
Read MoreEarth's oceans are mysterious, largely unexplored places, but the enormous oceans of Neptune and Uranus have them beat. Here's what scientists know about them.
Read MoreCalifornia is a beautiful state with no shortage of diverse plant and animal species. Unfortunately, the fates facing those species aren't always the brightest.
Read MoreThere are many species with pretty scary defensive (and offensive) tactics, such as venom. These species in particular can be pretty intimidating on that front.
Read MoreWhen you think about Europeans landing in the "new world," Christopher Columbus likely comes to mind. But the name of a different man probably should as well.
Read MoreInvasive species are causing problems all around the United States, and California is no exception. This species in particular has really wreaked havoc.
Read MoreWhile our solar system is a fascinating place on its own, exoplanets are even more of a mystery. And one exoplanet in particular is something quite new.
Read MoreSci-fi movies feature technology that seems far beyond our current capabilities, but that isn't always true. This new material proves that much.
Read MoreIt's long seemed like Stonehenge harbors many secrets, and it's not keen on giving them up. But a rare lunar event might finally give us some answers.
Read MoreWhen it comes to one of the most infamous disasters in Irish history, there's still more to be learned, including exactly where and how it started.
Read MoreNearly a century ago, researchers believed they had found the skeleton of a family member of Cleopatra, but they might have had it all wrong.
Read MoreEveryone knows that Earth is capable of providing beautiful, snowy landscapes, but it isn't unique in that. It snows on Mars, too, but there's a bit of a twist.
Read MoreMicroscopes have allowed us to discover a world humans can't directly see. But that's also led to the realization that these creatures are always on your face.
Read MoreGlobal warming is a major concern, with the growing presence of carbon dioxide being a big part factor. But this powder might be able to combat that issue.
Read MoreVolcanoes can be morbidly fascinating for plenty of reasons, as can the lava they release. But what effect might all that molten rock have on the human body?
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