In the United States, we use feet (and its divisors and multipliers) to measure almost everything. In other parts of the world, however, the Metric System rules the day and they measure in meters instead of feet. If you need to convert feet to meters and vice versa, all you need are a few simple calculations.
Converting meters to feet
You can use the same equation to figure out how many feet are in any number of meters; simply substitute the 10 in the equation for the number of meters you're working with. If you want to convert feet to meters, you need to know that one foot equals 0.3048 meters.
Determine the calculation needed. There are 3.28 feet in one meter.
Multiply. You will have to cross-multiply to solve the equation described in step one.
Find the answer. 3.28 times 10 is 32.80. This means that there are 32.80 feet in 10 meters.
- You can use the same equation to figure out how many feet are in any number of meters; simply substitute the 10 in the equation for the number of meters you're working with.
- If you want to convert feet to meters, you need to know that one foot equals 0.3048 meters.
Photo Credits
measure image by vashistha pathak from