Division is a mathematical process in which you calculate how many times a certain value will fit into another value. This process is the opposite of multiplication. The traditional way to write division problems is with a division bracket. Another method of writing division calculations is to use fractions. In a fraction, the top number, or numerator, is divided by the bottom number, or denominator. You may have to convert between traditional and fractional division forms in a high school or college math class.
Write down the dividend. This is the number that appears under the division bracket. This will be the numerator in the fraction.
Draw a dividing bar under the dividend or to the right of the dividend.
Write the divisor underneath the dividing bar or to the right of the bar. The divisor is the number to the left of the division bracket. This will be the denominator.
Write an equal sign, followed by the quotient if you are required to provide the solution to the problem. If you are looking at a completed division problem in traditional form, the quotient will appear on top of the division bracket. For example, if you have 50 divide by 5, you could write this as 50/5 = 10.
About the Author
Charlotte Johnson is a musician, teacher and writer with a master's degree in education. She has contributed to a variety of websites, specializing in health, education, the arts, home and garden, animals and parenting.
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