There may come a time, such as during a math or science exam, when you need to convert inches into feet. A mathematical equation can be done for this conversion. Knowing which numbers you must insert into that mathematical equation will give you the ability to convert any amount of inches into feet.
An Internet converter will give a much more accurate answer when performing these types of conversions. This is due to the fact that the online converters push to many spots, sometimes as much as a dozen places, past the decimal point.
Know how many feet are in one inch. There are approximately 0.0833 feet in 1 inch.
Write out the multiplication problem. If, for example, you want to know how many feet are in 23 inches, you would multiply 23 by 0.0833 (23 x 0.0833).
Complete the multiplication problem. 23 x 0.0833 equals about 1.916. Therefore, there are 1.916 feet in 23 inches.
- An Internet converter will give a much more accurate answer when performing these types of conversions. This is due to the fact that the online converters push to many spots, sometimes as much as a dozen places, past the decimal point.
About the Author
Andrew Smith has been a freelance writer since 2006, specializing in sports and technology. His work has appeared on various online sites. Smith has a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Pennsylvania State University.
Photo Credits
ruler image by Oleg Kapustin from