Pounds per square foot, or psf, and pounds per square inch, or psi, are measurements of pressure still used in the United States but largely abandoned elsewhere in the world. One pound per square inch is equal to one pound-force exerted over 1 square inch of area. One pound per square foot is defined as 1 pound-force exerted over an area of 1 square foot. Since 1 square foot is 12 inches by 12 inches, or 144 square inches, 1 pound per square inch equals 144 pounds per square foot. Conversely, 1 pound per square foot equals 0.0069444 pounds per square inch.
Write the formula for converting pounds per square foot to pounds per square inch as pounds per square foot divided by 144 equals pounds per square inch (psi = psf ÷ 144).
Write the number of pounds per square foot to be converted.
Divide the number of pounds per square foot by 144. The quotient is the pounds per square inch. For example, 2,160 pounds per square foot converts to 15 pounds per square inch (2160 psf ÷ 144 = 15 psi).
About the Author
David Chandler has been a freelance writer since 2006 whose work has appeared in various print and online publications. A former reconnaissance Marine, he is an active hiker, diver, kayaker, sailor and angler. He has traveled extensively and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of South Florida where he was educated in international studies and microbiology.
Photo Credits
natural gas meter image by Tijara Images from Fotolia.com