A pound is a common unit of weight in the United States. However, this can cause confusion when people in other countries refer to how much they weigh (their mass) in kilograms. Another area where you see the need to convert kilograms and pounds is when referring to weights that are used for body building.
Convert from pounds to kilograms by taking the number in pounds and dividing it by 2.2. For example, a man weighs 200 lbs. so 200 / 2.2 = approximately 91 kg.
Convert from kilograms to pounds by taking the number in kilograms and multiplying it by 2.2. For example, a woman can bench press 50 kg. So, 50 x 2.2 = 110 lbs.
Know that 1 kg is equivalent to 2.2 lbs. This handy reference point will make it easier for you to quickly compute between pounds and kilograms.
About the Author
Alexandra Haller has more than 10 years' experience as a writer. She has written for numerous health and fitness outlets, including "Runner's World" and "Reuters." She has worked as a copy editor for the American Mathematical Society, editor-in-chief for Her Active Life and is now a proofreader for Plante & Moran.
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