Standardization helps ensure technicalities are dealt with in a uniform manner, but they also sometimes make life more complicated. For instance, many people assume converting from cubic feet per minute (CFM) to cubic meters per hour (M3/H) is different from converting from standard cubic feet per minute (SCFM) -- wherein the flow rate of a fluid has been adjusted as per the conditions of temperature and pressure - to M3/H. The truth is that the process remains the exact same; the only difference between CFM and SCFM is the actual value.
Establish a relationship between ft^3/min (CFM) and m^3/h (M3/H) by using algebra.
ft^3/min * m^3/ft^3 * min/h = m^3/h.
Plug in appropriate values into the equation from Step One. Because 1 foot is equal to .3048 meters, the second term becomes .3048^3/1. And because 1 hour is equal to .01666 minutes, the third term becomes 1/.016666.
Obtain the product of the two terms in the middle of the equation to establish a conversion ratio. .3048^3 multiplied by 1/.01666 equals 1.69. This is your conversion ratio.
Multiply the conversion ratio by the original value to obtain your final answer. Given an SCFM of 5, for instance, the final answer would be equal to 5 * 1.69, or 8.45 M3/H.
About the Author
Vivek Saxena has been a full-time freelance writer since 2004, contributing to several online publications. Prior to becoming a writer, Saxena studied computer technology at Purdue University.