Density Vs. Concentration

Density Vs. Concentration
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Density measures the amount of mass per unit of volume in a substance. Concentration describes the amount of a substance dissolved in another substance. Changing the concentration of a solution changes the density of the solution.


The concentration in a solution is the mass of solute per volume of solution.

Formula for Density

Density is equal to the mass of a substance divided by the volume of the substance.


A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more compounds or elements that are not chemically bound to each other.

Concentrated vs. Diluted Solutions

A concentrated solution has a relatively greater amount of solute to solvent than other solutions of the same solute and solvent. A diluted solution has a relatively smaller amount of solute than similar solutions.

Effect of Concentration on Density

Adding more solute to a solvent changes the composition of particles in a given volume of solution. This results in a change of the mass per unit of volume of the solution (density).

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