How to Divide Negative Fractions

Fractions are a way to visualize division problems for negative integers.
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On the surface, dividing negative fractions can appear to be a daunting task. The division process is actually fairly simple, however, once you are familiar with the mathematical concepts. By remembering a few simple rules, you will be able to divide any negative fraction problem you come across.

    Ignore the negative sign at first and multiply one fraction by the reciprocal of the other. The reciprocal is attained by simply flipping the numerator and the denominator. For example, the reciprocal of 2/5 would be 5/2.

    Simplify the new fraction, reducing it as needed. For example if your multiplication result was 10/2, your answer simplifies to 5.

    Determine whether your result remains negative or becomes positive by looking at the number of negative signs in the problem. An even number of negative signs results in a positive answer and an odd number results in a negative answer.

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