Percentages are perhaps the most common way to express a number that is part of a whole. You will see percentages used in everyday places like banks and supermarkets. Decimals and fractions express a number that is part of a whole, so you can easily change either into an equivalent percentage.
From Decimal to Percentage
Find the equivalent percentage to a decimal number by multiplying the decimal by 100 and adding a percent symbol. When you multiply a decimal by 100, move the decimal point two places to the right. Consider the decimal 0.831 as an example:
0.831 x 100 = 83.1%
From Fraction to Percentage
Converting a fraction to a percentage is the same as converting a decimal, but with one extra step. Divide the top number of the fraction by the bottom number. The result will be a decimal that you can then multiply by 100 and add a percent symbol to. Consider the fraction 1/4 as an example:
1/4 = 0.25, so 0.25 x 100 = 25%
About the Author
Tim Banas started writing professionally in 2009 after teaching high school science for seven years. He has since written and edited for various online publications including Demand Studios,, and He has a Master of Science in biology from Southern Illinois University.
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