Conductivity is a measure of a material's ability to carry an electrical current. Conductivity can also be measured for substances such as saline water, or water with significant salt content.
Saline Water
The term saline indicates the presence of concentrations of dissolved inorganic ions, such as salt. The relative magnitude of this concentration determines the salinity of the water.
Brine is water that is heavily saturated with inorganic ions, or salts. By definition, a saline solution becomes brine when its salt concentration hits 45,000 milligrams per liter.
The salt concentration in water determines its conductivity. The greater the salt concentration, the higher the conductivity. Brine, having the largest concentration of salts, consequently has the highest conductivity.
About the Author
Micah McDunnigan has been writing on politics and technology since 2007. He has written technology pieces and political op-eds for a variety of student organizations and blogs. McDunnigan earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations from the University of California, Davis.
Photo Credits
sea gull above the sea image by alma_sacra from