Resetting your home's air conditioning unit is a common troubleshooting procedure used to "reboot" the system much as you would a computer with strange symptoms. Accomplish this by cycling the power to the air conditioning unit, a procedure which generally takes around 10 minutes or less.
Locate the shutoff panel on the house wall next to the outdoor compressor unit. Turn the unit to the "Off" position.
Locate the 240 volt circuit at the main electrical panel of your home. Turn it to the "Off" position.
Wait five minutes or more and turn both back on, restoring the power to the unit and resetting it.
About the Author
TS Jordan is an Ohio licensed attorney living and practicing out of the Cleveland area. In addition to his Juris Doctorate, he holds a Bachelors' Degree in Information Systems. He has been writing professionally for less than a year.
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