How to Read a Titer Report

Titer blood tests can reveal immunities to diseases.
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While written records can provide more reliable evidence of whether a person has received the full panel of immunizations, doctors are also able to conduct an antibody titers blood test to establish proof of immunity to certain diseases. Laboratory technicians mix different levels of dilution of a patient’s blood with specific antigens. The test provides a quantitative ratio of antibody to antigen levels in the blood. A significantly high ratio of antibody to antigen indicates that the patient has developed an immunity to that particular antigen. Knowing how to read a titer report can prove helpful, even to a lay person.

    Obtain a copy of your blood antibody titer report from the laboratory that processed your blood sample.

    Review the report to ensure that it lists your correct name and birthday on the heading of the report.

    Read the name of each antigen tested. Look across from the name of the tested antigen to find a numerical concentration or ratio of antibody to the specific antigen.

    Compare the numerical result for each antigen to the reference range provided. Look for any numerical results that exceed the reference range for normal antibody responses. Record those antigens as those that have the potential for immunities to the specific antigen.

    Ask your health care provider to clarify any questions or concerns that arise while reading your titer report.

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