The field of human biology encompasses a variety of subjects such as the study of the human body and its functions, cell chemistry, genetics and ecology. With a lot of complex information to comprehend and remember, studying for human biology exams often requires plenty of time and effort. Although there are a variety of ways to study for exams, it is important for students to find a study method that best suits their learning style.
- Internet connection
- Human biology textbook
- Lecture notes
For optimal results, commit a minimum of 10 hours each week for studying.
Avoid cramming for exams as mastering new concepts can take time.
Get creative with your memorization techniques. Make up your own mnemonics, acronyms and rhymes to remember vocabulary words and sets of related body parts. Make sure your mnemonics are easy to remember.
Organize the concepts you've learned in class by creating your own flow charts and concept maps. Doing so can help you understand complex physical processes, allowing you to visualize how one concept is related to another.
While the lecture is still fresh in your mind, re-write your notes in your own words. Look up concepts that are still confusing to you and compare notes with classmates for further clarification. Visit your instructor during office hours if you still struggle to understand the material.
Test yourself by making sure you can correctly answer the self-study questions found at the end of the chapters in the textbook. Actively think about what you are studying by making up your own questions from lecture notes and answering them. Doing so can also give you a feel for potential test questions.
Don't limit yourself to the pictures and diagrams found in your textbook and lab manual. Instead, use a variety of visuals from websites such as and Both offer plenty of free interactive animations, tutorials and quizzes to complement your learning.
Things You'll Need
About the Author
Pele Omori is a freelance writer specializing in travel and culinary subjects. She has traveled and lived internationally since she was 3. Omori's work has appeared on a variety of websites, such as Matador Travel, Matador Goods, Matador Abroad and Brave New Traveler. Omori holds a Bachelor of Arts in studio art and a Master of Arts in education.
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