How to Make Inventions for Kids with Homemade Things

Use items found in the home to make children's inventions.
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Teaching kids to be innovative is challenging, but you can push them to see everyday household items a little bit differently. Once you've opened their minds to new ideas, your children can be on the road to becoming creative geniuses. Inventions can help them solve problems or create fun projects, but most importantly it can help them to avoid distractions and stay focused.

    Focus on an idea or a problem. Once you've established an idea, implement a simplified lotus blossom technique, which is found at This technique is used to "peel back the petals" of a theme. For example, have your child write out an idea and circle it. Around this primary circle they will add other circles. One circle could be the objective of the idea. Another could be what tools they need to complete their idea. They should continue in this fashion until they have a complete understanding of how to accomplish their goal.

    Once you've established an idea, it is time to learn more about it. Using the lotus blossom diagram, research the components of the project on the Internet. Websites, such as, can be very useful in looking up a wide range of inventions and experiments. Print your results.

    Seek out tools to complete the project. The kitchen is always a great place to start. A simple roll of aluminum foil can be a very useful in making a light reflector or a heat conduit. For instance, a cooking appliance can be fashioned from a shoebox lined with foil and covered in cling wrap. You can carry out density experiments with soda bottles, salt, water and food coloring. The kitchen is a neverending resource for tools of invention.

    Build the invention. Place the lotus blossom diagram next to the printed Internet results. Prepare the tools in the order you will need them. Once you've completed the invention and tested it, write down the results and any changes that you may need to make. Implement the changes if necessary.

    Things You'll Need

    • Household items
    • Pencil
    • Paper
    • Internet
    • Printer

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