How to Make a True Equation

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A true equation is a mathematically accurate equation. A false equation is an incorrect equation; it says something erroneous or untrue. For example, 2 = 3 is a false equation, because 2 and 3 are different numerical values. To make a true equation, check your math to make sure that the values on each side of the equals sign are the same.

    Ensure that the numerical values on both sides of the "=" sign are the same to make a true equation.

    For example, 9 = 9 is a true equation. 5 + 4 = 9 is a true equation. 6 + 3 = 9 is a true equation. Therefore, 5 + 4 = 6 + 3 is a true equation.

    Add any quantity to both sides of the equation to have a true equation.

    For example: 5 + 4 + 2 = 6 + 3 + 2

    Subtract any quantity from both sides of the equation to have a true equation.

    For example: 5 + 4 - 2 = 6 + 3 - 2

    Multiply any quantity by both sides of the equation to make a true equation.

    For example: 7(5 + 4) = 7(6 + 3)

    Divide any nonzero quantity by both sides of the equation to make a true equation.

    For example: (5 + 4)/3 = (6 + 3)/3

    Exercise caution when dividing by 0. 8 = 9 is a false equation 8/0 = 0 and 9/0 = 0 are both true equations Therefore, 8/0 = 9/0 is a true equation.

    0 is not a good value to use to create and check true equations because the rules of 0 are different than those of other numerical values.

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