How to Raise Fractions to Higher Terms

A slice of bread is a fractional portion of the loaf.
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A fraction is a mathematical value that consists of a numerator and a denominator. The numerator is the value on top or on the left of the fraction, and the denominator is on bottom or on the right side of the fraction. Sometimes you have to raise a fraction to higher terms, such as when you subtract or add fractions with unlike denominators. When you raise a fraction to higher terms, you only change the form of the fraction and not its value.

    Write down the fraction. For example, you might have 5/7.

    Write a new denominator, which is a multiple of the original denominator. For instance, if you wanted to double the terms of the example fraction, you would write a 14 in the denominator of the second fraction (because 7 times 2 is 14).

    Multiply the numerator of the original fraction by the factor that you used to multiply the denominator of the original fraction. In this example, you multiplied 7 by 2. Therefore, you would multiply 5 by 2 to get 10. The new fraction, which is an expression of the original fraction in higher terms, would be 10/14.

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