Simple And Easy Science Projects For An 11-Year-Old

There are many simple science projects that can enhance an 11-year-old's learning in subjects such as earth science, physical science and chemistry. While many of these science projects require little to no adult help or supervision, some experiments require a partner who can help monitor the project and take notes.

Creating Hydrogen with Water

Creating Hydrogen with Water

Strip two six-inch pieces of wire insulation. Wrap one end of each wire around the terminals of a 9-volt battery. Fill a small glass with water and add two teaspoons of baking soda or salt. Dip the free ends of the wire into the water and watch bubbles of oxygen and hydrogen rise from the wires.

High Bounce Ball

High Bounce Ball

Select three high bounce balls for this project. Place one on a saucer and leave at room temperature. Place another in a baggie, seal the baggie, then place it in the freezer. Place the third ball in a small bowl of hot water. Let the balls sit for an hour, refilling the bowl with more hot water every fifteen minutes. Bounce the three balls on the floor, measuring how high each bounces. Measure how temperature changes the elasticity on the balls.

Static Electricity

Static Electricity

Wash and dry a small black plastic comb. Run water from a faucet, with the stream of water being at least 1/8-inch thick. Charge your comb with static electricity by vigorously running it through long, dry hair many times or vigorously rubbing it with a wool sweater. Slowly move the comb towards the stream of water and the stream will move towards the comb.

Magnetic Metals

Magnetic Metals

Line up metal items on a table, such as a coin, a bottle cap, a safety pin, paper clip and a metal spoon. Create a chart on paper by listing these items on the left side. Add two boxes after each item. Above the first row of boxes, write "Prediction." Above the second row, write "Result." Tape a magnet to the end of a ruler, with the magnet resting on top of the tape. Write your prediction of which items the magnet will pick up in the prediction boxes, then use the ruler to hold the magnet over each item.

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Colclasure, Dawn. "Simple And Easy Science Projects For An 11-Year-Old", 24 April 2017.


Colclasure, Dawn. (2017, April 24). Simple And Easy Science Projects For An 11-Year-Old. Retrieved from


Colclasure, Dawn. Simple And Easy Science Projects For An 11-Year-Old last modified August 30, 2022.
