A dynamo is an electric generator that produces direct current using a commutator. A commutator is a device that reverses the direction of current. The dynamo uses wire coils that rotate creating a magnetic field. This action converts the mechanical energy of the rotation to a direct electric current. The inclusion of a capacitor allows the dynamo to generate charge and the commutator transfers the charge to the capacitor for storage.
Hold the dynamo securely and begin rotating the hand-turn rotor clockwise. There will be some resistance until the rotating coils gain momentum.
Turn the hand-turn rotor in a clockwise manner for 30 seconds and then stop turning it.
Allow the dynamo to come to a stop. Plug in an electrical item and test if the current is flowing. If so, the mechanical energy has been converted to electrical energy, stored in the capacitor and transferred to the electrical item.
About the Author
Brian Baer has been writing since 1982. His work has appeared on Web sites such as eHow, where he specializes in technology, management and business topics. Baer has a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering from the University of Arkansas and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Alabama, Huntsville.
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