If you're looking for an idea for your science project, you might want to consider one that shows the importance of taking care of your teeth. You can demonstrate how sugar damages teeth or examine the substances that weaken them the most or clean them the best. Whichever science project idea you choose, you can influence your viewers' eating and brushing habits.
Testing Toothpastes
To test which toothpaste or tooth whitener is most effective, try soaking several white tiles in coffee, tea or a dark soft drink for several days. When you remove them, they should be noticeably discolored. You can then soak each tile in a different substance for a few days and compare the results. Possible substances may include a tooth whitener, an expensive toothpaste, a cheap toothpaste, a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and clear water (for your control). This experiment should show you which cleanser is most effective in removing stains from some white surfaces. Keep in mind that you would have to do this experiment on actual teeth to make sure that your results are true for them as well.
Effects of Sugar on Teeth-Demonstration
Eggshells are made of calcium--similar to the enamel on the outer surface of your teeth. To demonstrate how sugar can eat away at teeth, place one raw egg in a bowl of dark-colored soda and another in a bowl of vinegar. The first egg should become discolored, while the second should become soft and weak from the acid in the vinegar. You can use this demonstration to discuss the importance of taking care of your teeth.
Which Drink is Worst for Your Teeth?
The best teeth science projects use actual teeth. You can use your own collected baby teeth, if you kept them after they fell out. Alternatively, ask a dentist whether she has any extracted teeth you can use. Soak two teeth in each of the following substances: apple juice, a clear soft drink, a dark soft drink, sugar water, a sports drink and plain water (as a control). Use this science project to find out which drink is worst for your teeth and causes the most damage.
About the Author
Keren (Carrie) Perles is a freelance writer with professional experience in publishing since 2004. Perles has written, edited and developed curriculum for educational publishers. She writes online articles about various topics, mostly about education or parenting, and has been a mother, teacher and tutor for various ages. Perles holds a Bachelor of Arts in English communications from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Photo Credits
teeth image by JASON WINTER from Fotolia.com