Types of Frogs Native to Pennsylvania

Fowler's toad is one of Pennsylvania's amphibian species.
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The diverse wetland habitats of Pennsylvania are home to 14 different species of frogs and toads. Six different genera separate the native species and they are diverse in size and appearance. Some of the species are common and widespread, while others are more rare and live in only certain areas of the state.

True Frogs

The state is home to six species of true frogs categorized as having slim waists, long rear legs and smooth skin. The bull frog is a common species in the state and grows to 8 inches in length. It is sometimes mistaken for the green frog, which is also abundant but grows to only half the size. The pickerel frog grows to just 3 inches in length and is a common resident of the state. The northern and southern leopard frogs both reach 5 inches and the latter is endangered. The wood frog is found throughout the state and grows to just 3 inches.

Chorus Frogs

Pennsylvania is home to three species of chorus frogs, so named because they are very vocal, especially at night. The mountain chorus frog grows to just 2 inches and is only found in the southwest part of the state. The striped chorus frog has three subspecies in the state, so between them it ranges throughout Pennsylvania. These subspecies are the western, upland and New Jersey chorus frogs. The northern spring peeper is the other chorus frog in the state and grows just over 1 inch. It is found in the state in high numbers.

Tree Frogs

Only one species of tree frog lives in Pennsylvania and that is the gray tree frog. It is a small species that grows to just 2 inches. It is able to climb trees and rough surfaces using its suction cup-like toe pads. It is a common species in the state.


Pennsylvania is home to three different species of toad. The American toad is common throughout the state and measures between 2 to 3.5 inches in length. It can range from bright yellow to almost black in color, with darker mottled spots. Fowler's toad is less common and found mainly in the eastern half of the state. It grows to almost 4 inches in length and is light brown to gray in color with warty skin. The eastern spade foot is endangered and found mainly in the southeast. It grows to just over 2 inches and has spade-like rear feet for digging.

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